Monday, July 11, 2022

Talking frog recites poem! Queen Elizabeth || topples! by RD

All of Great Britain was shocked by the events of earlier today when a frog burst into the auditorium in the middle of William Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet and started to recite a poem that, upon hearing, made Queen Elizabeth || faint and fall into the crowd below her skybox.

It was a lovely morning: the queen had gotten extra tea and had hired professional actors to perform William Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet, which she was quite a fan of. The play started out great, and everything was going to plan, when a frog pushed open the door to the auditorium and hopped inside. He then hopped up and onto the stage, where he opened his mouth and recited dramatically: “My dear, precious queen, I have something to tell you: your daughter is dead!”

To this news, the queen promptly fainted, causing her to fall off the edge of the railing and into the seats below.

Luckily, no one was injured, since it was a private screening. However, poor Queen Elizabeth || ended up with two broken arms and a sprained ankle.

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