Thursday, July 14, 2022

Local MacMillian Duck Charged of Murder! The People of Massachusetts Demand Answers! By EC

It was a devastating day when a local duck pecked John Johnson, (a famous artist) to the death, causing many inquiries and a devastated wife.

“My poor John,” She said tearfully. “He was so young!”

On Saturday the 12th of June, John Johnson arrived in Central Park, Boston and set up his artist supplies, getting ready to paint the wildlife.

Unfortunately, his first time painting moving wildlife, he got frustrated when the duck he was painting didn’t sit still and called the duck, ‘a feathered menace to society’.

Remember folks, ducks are highly intelligent and can often tell when a human is insulting them. The duck got angry and pecked Mr. Johnson. A pedestrian noticed this and called the ambulance, which took him to the hospital, where he died of his injuries a few hours later.

The duck was charged for murder and brought to court. Do you think that the duck should receive the death sentence? Or does it deserve a second chance?

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