Friday, July 15, 2022

Drawings Come To Life! Sketches Stroll! Paintings Jog! WORLD PANIC!!!! by EC

Artists around the world are amazed yet depressed when all works of art come to life and walk right off the page!

“Ze Mona Lisa jumped out of ‘er painting and ran away!” Says a devastated French Louvre manager.

The art can be found everywhere—just not in their paintings. A couple in California claims to have seen Mona Lisa walking in Disney World and the Starry Night riding a taxi.

Detectives have investigated this truly puzzling fiasco and discovered that this dilemma was caused by a freak accident at the art university School of Art Institute of Chicago when the California Institute of Technology was visiting.

Apparently, a student from the California Institute snuck into one of the art classrooms and built a machine to make inanimate objects alive. Unfortunately, the machine went haywire, blasting its rays across the world and hitting famous paintings and sculptures. It also hit any other type of drawing or sketch or picture it could find. The detectives apprehended the student and scientists are currently figuring out how to restore the art back where they belong.

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