Friday, July 15, 2022

Firearm Safety by KM & EL

We’re both eleven years old, and we are already tired of living in a world full of violence with guns. We are tired of people killing each other only because they have the means and the power. On May 24th, 2022, an 18 year old gunman with a rifle, Salvador Ramos, killed 19 minors and 2 majors with a dozen others wounded in Uvalde, Texas at Robb Elementary School around noon (Courtesy: New York Times). This is the second deadliest school shooting since Sandy Hook and it Robb Elementary happened just a few months ago. Earlier, he shot his grandmother a few blocks away. More than a dozen officers from many agencies responded to the scene but were hesitant to confront the gunman, parents were grief-struck and frustrated. But finally more than an hour later, Border Patrol officers went into the building and shot Ramos. This, with another mass shooting prompted a burst of negotiations for gun restrictions but have failed due to republican obstruction. President Biden signed a bipartisan bill on June 25th to stop dangerous people from accessing firearms.

Guns may be helpful in some situations, but most of the time they are more harmful. In the past 50 years, more than 1.5 million Americans have died by gunshots (Courtesy: NBC News). This is because most people buy guns to protect themselves from criminal invasions, but they don’t need them. And out of every 100 people with guns, 43 murder, 54 commit suicide and only 3 use it for some other reason which may or may not be good or bad (Courtesy: Pew Research). Also 79% of 2020 U.S. murderers had a firearm with them. That means that probably deaths per year by guns will decrease by more than 80% if they were banished from civilians. In 2004, there were 16626 deaths by gun and they have almost tripled in only 16 years. Gun numbers are on the rise, and we need to stop them before they become too popular.

There is a common misconception on how criminals get guns. Most people think that they steal guns, but actually, stolen guns account for only 10-15% of guns used in crimes and murders. This is because criminals want guns quickly and easily, but to steal a gun is hard and tends to take time. Most criminals get it from straw purchase sales which is purchasing a firearm anonymously with a companion on their behalf. So two people walk into a gun store, and one selects the firearm and the other provides identification to buy the gun (Courtesy: PBS).Or another scenario is when kids walk into a store and select the firearm, but an adult makes the purchases. Another big source is street dealers who get their guns from one of these ways and then they sell them illegally on the streets. The last way criminals get guns is from friends and family as gifts, sales, or thefts. When an arrestee's firearm is confiscated, studies show that they think they can easily get another one illegally. Let’s make firearms less available to criminals and the general public.

The history of guns stretches far back:

1364-First recorded use of gun, a hand gun
1380-Hand guns became popular in Europe.
1400s-Matchlock gun was invented.
1498-Rifling is invented
1509-Guns are able to be shot multiple times using wheel lock
1540-Rifling appears in firearms
1630-First flintlock
1637-First use of firearms proof marks
1750-1850-Dueling pistols invented
1825-Percussion cap guns invented
1835-Colt revolver invented
1840-Pin-fire cartridges
1850-Shotguns become general
1859-First rim-fire cartridge
1861-1873-Breech guns, Gatling gun, center-fire cartridge, cartridge revolver, & the Winchester rifle were all invented
1877-1892-Double-action revolver & automatic handguns were invented

Guns kept evolving to become more and more dangerous. Guns were always harmful and always intended to do harm (Timeline Courtesy: PBS).

Who are most likely to have guns and where are guns most common? Men are more likely to have guns than women, and white men especially like to have guns (Courtesy: Pew Research). Those who live in rural areas 46% are gun owners, suburbs is 28%, and urban is 19%. Republicans are more than twice as likely to own guns than democrats. Most gun owners were exposed to a gun at an early age and they have fired a gun before 18. Handguns are the most common type of gun kept in a household. These are the reasons people own a gun in order of how many people said it: Protection, hunting, shooting, gun collection, & their job. There is mixed information about where guns are most popular, but usually Arkansas, Montana, & Wyoming come in the lead (Courtesy: Mother Jones).

What can you do to help ban firearms from citizens? You can start a petition and get people to sign it and show it to your state government to form gun regulations. To help stop the constant use of firearms you can start long-term projects to teach them how dangerous firearms are. You can start a protest for your government, especially your state one, so that they take notice and start implementing regulations and laws to prohibit dangerous people from getting guns. The following link will take you to a website for TEAM Enough, 
"Our youth-led initiative is on an unapologetic quest to demand our elected officials take action against gun violence. Why? We are sick and tired of living with the fear of being shot, and we know the facts: gun laws save lives. We are a program by Brady, one of America’s oldest and boldest gun violence prevention organizations. United as one, we are saying ENOUGH to gun violence."

So move into action and voice your support to stop innocent lives from being taken.

We are passionate about how guns have ruined the lives of many Americans and that needs to change; we are eleven years old. We read about the Robb Elementary School Incident and that really hit us, and we wrote this because of how guns have taken so many innocent lives, and we wanted to do something to change that.

Bit of Food Becomes Next J. K. Rowling! by GW & EC

In Wyoming, in a house there lives a bit of food that has written New York bestselling books.

Books include:

Pizza and the Catsup Stone
Pizza and the Cheese of Secrets
Pizza and the Prisoner of Dough
Pizza and the Ramen Tournament
Pizza and the Order of the Toppings
Pizza and the Pineapple Prince
Pizza and the Pepperoni Hallows

Fans are swarming their house wanting their autograph and its picture, or even a picture with it. We needed 102 police to block its house and to only let in one person at a time.
Finally, we found that its name was S. P. Aghetti. Plus he is writing more and better books.
We are trying to figure out what the next book will be called.

A Tongue Twister by AG

I wish to wish 

The wish I wish

Is the wish

That wishes to wish

Me the wish

That shall hold the wish

I wish to wash

Drawings Come To Life! Sketches Stroll! Paintings Jog! WORLD PANIC!!!! by EC

Artists around the world are amazed yet depressed when all works of art come to life and walk right off the page!

“Ze Mona Lisa jumped out of ‘er painting and ran away!” Says a devastated French Louvre manager.

The art can be found everywhere—just not in their paintings. A couple in California claims to have seen Mona Lisa walking in Disney World and the Starry Night riding a taxi.

Detectives have investigated this truly puzzling fiasco and discovered that this dilemma was caused by a freak accident at the art university School of Art Institute of Chicago when the California Institute of Technology was visiting.

Apparently, a student from the California Institute snuck into one of the art classrooms and built a machine to make inanimate objects alive. Unfortunately, the machine went haywire, blasting its rays across the world and hitting famous paintings and sculptures. It also hit any other type of drawing or sketch or picture it could find. The detectives apprehended the student and scientists are currently figuring out how to restore the art back where they belong.

Dance To The Music by KB

Music In My Ears

Never gives me tears

When your sad or feeling bad

Music will make you feel rad

Dance away the day

Dance away the night

Dance in my vision

Dance out of sight

Live, Love, Laugh, Dance

Skip, Run, Hop, Prance

Sunrise, Sunset keep on dancing

During the day keep on prancing

Music Music in my ear

Never leave

Let me always hear 

Crater Lake Evaporated Completely! by JS

A few hours ago, tourists had witnessed the hottest day in Oregon yet. The sun had blazed at the seams while the few tourists were halfway through into their hike. Finishing their hike, they stopped on their way back, by Crater Lake. Only to be astonished by what they were looking at. As barely anyone was out in the heat, they were found to be the first witnesses of the much dry lake. Crater Lake had completely vanished and what used to be a lake, had turned into a ditch full of a mud and sand mix. After analyzing and doing further research, it turned out that the lake had fully evaporated due to the unusual heat and high temperatures.

“The lake was completely evaporated, the scene looked like it came straight out of a movie,” one of the tourists had said. “All the fish were stuck, struggling on the ground, most had already died. Such a tragedy.”

Mississippi River all of a Sudden Change from Water to Mango Nectar! by GW

As Sally Reed was sailing on a river boat, she was wiping a splash off of her face, a splash of juice splashed her face. She immediately reported and when some reporters came to the river, there were children drinking from the river all along the banks.

“I don’t know,” says Sally as she looks at the yellow-orange water “it could be dirty” soon after testing the water it is found to be contaminated and many families have to buy the cure for their children who drank the icky liquid.

Then just as fast as it happened, the stuff was back to its normal watery form.

We will report more when we find out what exactly happened.